@article{oai:serve.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003685, author = {田澤, 薫 and Kaoru, Tazawa}, issue = {第1号}, journal = {聖学院大学論叢, The Journal of Seigakuin University}, month = {Oct}, note = {児童福祉法に保育所が置かれた1947年から12年間,吉見静江は厚生省児童局で保育所を所轄する課の課長を務めた。吉見は戦前のアメリカでソーシャルワークを学び,興望館セツルメント保育園を運営した経験をもち,幼児の主体性を育む保育を保育所の理念として掲げた。しかし,法確立期の保育行政は全国的に混乱し,保育内容に取り組む以前に入所事務や財政面で課題が山積した。困難の背景としては,既存の保育施設にとって児童福祉法による新制度が事業経営にあまり影響しなかったこと,児童福祉法以前に成立した旧・生活保護法には保育の理念をもたない託児所が先に存在し混同されたこと,税制改革が児童福祉制度運用の混乱を招いたことが見い出された。, For 12 years, Shizue Yoshimi served as a day care division chief at the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Child Bureau, from 1947 when a day care centers were put into the Child Welfare Law. Yoshimi learned social work in pre-war United States, had the experience of managing a day care center?the Kobo-kan settlement?and suggested that the nurturing idea of an infant’s independence is considered. However, before working on a nursing detail, the day care division had to work on a problem of finance and operations. The Child Welfare Law has a system different from a Livelihood Protection Law, i.e., a day care center is not the place where a child is just taken care of. However, the Child Welfare Law could not benefit a day care center of existence immediately.}, pages = {27--39}, title = {保育所制度の具体化と困難に関する史的考察 : 吉見静江保育課長の実践理念に照らして}, volume = {第32巻}, year = {2019}, yomi = {タザワ, カオル} }