@article{oai:serve.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003853, author = {田澤, 薫 and Kaoru, Tazawa}, issue = {第1・2号合併}, journal = {聖学院大学論叢, The Journal of Seigakuin University}, month = {Mar}, note = {1944 年の戦時下,保育施設は戦時託児所に切り替わった。戦時託児所では十分な保育が保障されなかったことが,興望館セツルメントの記録に残されている。第二次世界大戦が終結し興望館セツルメントが再び保育を始めたとき,集まった子どもたちとその家族は保育に何を求めたのだろうか。本稿では,興望館資料室所蔵の第一次資料を駆使し,戦時託児所への切換え及び戦後の保育再開時に着目し,利用児の特性から利用目的を探り,保育ニーズを整理した。その結果,児童福祉法成立前夜の敗戦直後において,手のかかる乳幼児を預かってもらいたい託児要求よりも幼児本人の育ちや楽しみを問う保育への期待が顕著であった。, The Tokyo Metropolitan Government issued a directive notice in 1944 to transform nursery schools to wartime day-care centers. In the final stages of World War II, most wartime day-care centers were unable to offer children standard nursing care services such as entertainment activities, physical exercise, or pre-schooling. After the war, Kobo-kan Settlement House located in Tokyo’s east-end reopened its nursery school in 1946. The parents of thirty-six infants applied to avail of nursery care. This study investigated the applications and related documents housed in the historical archives of the Settlement House to determine the services most desired by the parents. Surprisingly, many parents wanted the nursery to primarily offer recreational and educational activities for their children even in that immediate post-war period of food and housing deficiency.}, pages = {65--77}, title = {戦時託児所後の保育利用児童に関する一考察 : 興望館セツルメント保育園が再開した日に着目した史的検討}, volume = {第33巻}, year = {2021}, yomi = {タザワ, カオル} }