@article{oai:serve.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000045, author = {丸山, 久美子}, journal = {聖学院大学論叢, The Journal of Seigakuin University}, month = {Dec}, note = {Presented here are results obtained from an analysis of social anxiety among Japanese male and female college students, medical students, nursing students, theological students and Buddhist students. The questionnaire method was used determine attitudes toward the increasing population of the old, international conflict, increased divorce rate, deficit spending, etc. Responses to individual questions were subjected to Hayashi’s Quantification ? (Pattern Analysis). Anxiety related to religious attitudes revealed some characteristics which would seem to be peculiar to youth in modern Japan. These characteristics and their background are discussed from the viewpoint of psycho-analytical considerations.}, pages = {129--147}, title = {現代青年の社会不安意識と宗教的態度に関する構造分析}, volume = {第2巻}, year = {1989}, yomi = {マルヤマ, クミコ} }