@article{oai:serve.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000790, author = {金谷, 京子}, issue = {第1号}, journal = {聖学院大学論叢, The Journal of Seigakuin University}, month = {Nov}, note = {本研究は震災時の保育における子どものケアや危機管理を考えることを目的とし,3.11の東日本大震災の震源地から約350 km離れた,埼玉県と東京都の保育者に質問紙調査を実施した。調査の内容は,震災後の幼児の行動変化についてと震災時に保育者が困ったことについてである。調査の結果によれば,関東地区の子どもたちにも不安や過敏,退行現象などの心的変化や行動変化が出ていることが分かった。 また,保育者が情報伝達や避難,放射能汚染対応に苦労した様子が明らかになった。, In this study, the author investigated behavioral changes in care and crisis control at childcare centers at the time of the earthquake (March 11, 2011). To prepare for writing this paper, the author gave a questionnaire to caregivers in Saitama Prefecture and Tokyo, about 350 kilometers from the epicenter. The survey was concerned with behavioral changes of young children and childminders who were troubled by stress subsequent to the March 11th earthquake. The results of this investigation reveal that children of the Kanto District experienced both mental and physical changes which led to uneasiness, hypersensitivity, and regressive behavior. Moreover, it became clear that childminders experienced problems with communication, finding shelter, and radioactive contamination.}, pages = {159--173}, title = {東日本大震災後の保育の場における子どもの変化 : 関東地区の保育者への実態調査から}, volume = {第25巻}, year = {2012}, yomi = {カナヤ, キョウコ} }