@article{oai:serve.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000828, author = {柴田, 武男}, issue = {第2号}, journal = {聖学院大学論叢, The Journal of Seigakuin University}, month = {Mar}, note = {貧困問題を奨学金返済問題から論じると,戦前の奨学金は育英を理念としながらもその実態は戦争遂行のための手段であった。戦後は育英も奨学も理念として無く,日本学生支援機構は修学のための学資金を貸与する金融機関となった。貧困と格差を解消する手段として無償の教育と給付制の奨学金が指摘されるが,教育の機会均等とは何か,なぜ必要なのか,それを未来への投資と経済概念で理解して良いのか疑問である。学ぶこと自体に社会が支える価値がある,という社会認識への根本的変革が必要であり,それなくしては,現代的貧困は理解できない。, When discussing the issue of poverty from the standpoint of student loan repayment, one realizes that scholarships for students before World War II were actually intended as a means for facilitating war efforts rather than for promotion of scholarships as a means of encouraging pursuit of philosophical aims. Even for post-World War II scholarships outside the realm of philosophy, the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) became an organization that only offered student loans for the pursuit of university education, not for equal opportunity in future employment. It has often been pointed out that the benefits of a free or low-cost education are aimed at eliminating poverty and inequality, but the achievement of equal opportunity in education does not automatically or necessarily lead to achievement of equal opportunity in employment. Still, the seriousness of the scholarship repayment problem warrants mandatory compliance with the promise to repay student loans : measures for ensuring repayment of loans and equal employment for students when they finish their education are urgently needed.}, pages = {201--210}, title = {貧困問題の歴史的位相(下)}, volume = {第26巻}, year = {2014}, yomi = {シバタ, タケオ} }