@article{oai:serve.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000880, author = {村上, 公久 and Murakami, Kimihisa}, issue = {第2号}, journal = {聖学院大学論叢, The Journal of Seigakuin University}, month = {Mar}, note = {熱帯林消失の原因は,伐採のみではない。熱帯地域の多くの開発途上国では,人口圧と主として都市スラム等からはじき出された食料の欠乏に苦しむ人々が,簡便な食料生産活動の展開可能な残された土地を求め,山地斜面へと向かっており,この傾向が森林破壊をもたらし,熱帯林消失の最大の原因となっている。保続的(持続的)開発を図りながら森林資源を保全するためには,河川の「流域」を単位として上流から下流までの「水系一貫」の土地利用区分が計画され実現されなければならない。人間の移動,大規模ダムの開発,土地依存産業の経済領域である「水系」を内包する「流域」において,森林の『保護』『保全』林地の開発・転用による『利用』の対象となる土地の利用区分を確立しなければならない。, Deforestation in the tropics is not caused by felling trees alone. In underdeveloped countries in the tropics, people who are suffering due to overpopulation and shortage of food move out of the cities. Searching for the land on which to grow their food, they climb uphill to where virgin forest has been saved and commit very primitive slash-and-burn cultivation, which is different from traditionally regulated shifting cultivation. This trend, the expansion of a confused, destructive type of shifting cultivation, is the major cause of deforestation in the tropics today. To cope with this problem, an Integrated Watershed Management system should be designed and conducted in those areas. To realize such a management system, the land-use plan requires adequate “land-use zoning,” which is the arrangement of the land into five zones: a preservation/protection zone, a conservation zone, an agro-forestry zone, an agricultural zone, and an urbanized/industrialized zone.}, pages = {63--73}, title = {熱帯林保存を図る統合流域管理 : 統合流域管理による熱帯地域の保続的(持続的)開発}, volume = {第28巻}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ムラカミ, キミヒサ} }