@article{oai:serve.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000885, author = {田澤, 薫}, issue = {第1号}, journal = {聖学院大学論叢, The Journal of Seigakuin University}, month = {Oct}, note = {保育所制度の変革が進んでいる。改革をめぐり措置制度と保育の公的責任の関連が論点の一つであるが,児童福祉法制定前後の経緯を繙くと,保育所保育が措置制度と結びついたのはSCAPIN775への対策に過ぎず,また保育所運営への公金支出が必ずしも保育の公的責任を意味したわけではないことが明らかになった。この点を踏まえれば,変革への賛否両論が保育所利用方法のシステム論に偏ることは本質を欠く。一方で保育の内容については,児童福祉法制定当初から「託児」ではない「保育」の模索が始まり今日までに相応の充実を見ている。保育責任をシステム論からではなく,乳幼児に対する保育内容保障の点からこそ論じる視点が求められる。, Recently, there have been changes in the day nursery system in Japan. This system consists oftwo aspects : caring for infants that a guardian has entrusted the system with, and support fortheir development. The current changes attach greater importance to accommodating morechildren in day nurseries than to developmental support. In order to accommodate more infants,public financial support for day nurseries is stretched thin. Historical research about Child WelfareLaw has shown the following : First, public responsibility for childcare is based primarily onGHQ SCAPIN775, which is inadequate for solving childcare needs. Second, subsidiary aid for daynurseries does not equal public responsibility. Day nurseries need to be improved before we thinkabout making more of them. Thus, before we can begin institutional reform, we must betterunderstand the essence of childcare.}, pages = {15--28}, title = {保育の制度変革をめぐる史的検討 : 児童福祉法における措置制度と公的責任論を手がかりとして}, volume = {第26巻}, year = {2013}, yomi = {タザワ, カオル} }